Saturday, May 10

Top 10 Muzici + Premiile Darwin


  1. Gorillaz – Dirty Harry;
  2. Ziggy Marley – I Get Out;
  3. Gov’t Mule – Banks of the Deep End;
  4. Genesis – Jesus He Knows Me;
  5. Jimi Hendrix – Highway Chile;
  6. Iggy Pop – African Man;
  7. Dire Straits – Solid Rock;
  8. Camel – Refugee;
  9. Bobby McFerrin – Circlesong Six
          urmat de
10. Augustus Pablo - False Rumour.

     Un sait pe care l-am descoperit azi:
     Descriere sait: premii “Darwin” celor care reuşesc să se scoată singuri printr-un mod stupid sau amuzant din diversitatea genetică, fie prin moarte fie prin sterilizare. Metode şi Cum-Se-Face stupide ale unor stupizi oameni de a face chestii tâmpite rezultând în chestii macabre auto-induse sunt prezentate. Par example:

     "(4 April 2007, Germany) Near midnight, a 49-year-old man attempted to impress his wife with his unbelievable strength. He climbed over the balcony of their 7th floor flat, clung to the outside of the parapet, and began a set of pull-ups. After a few pull-ups, which were undoubtedly impressive to his wife, his sedentary lifestyle began to take its toll. His muscles lost strength, and he was unable to lift himself back onto the balcony. He eventually fell seven stories (eight if you include the ground floor) and impaled himself on a thornbush. Ouch! The official verdict placed the blame squarely and pointedly on the macho showmanship of the deceased." [extract de pe sait]

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